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3 inch (75mm)

Perfect result will be promised in tough conditions.
Use as ultimate weapon when you desperately want to fish.
Ring body shows existence in water and curly tail creates subtle water current.
Designed to contain all factors to fish.
Many bites far beyond your expectation will be brought.
Shrimp & Fish flavored, salt added for high density.
「Ring curly3"」はタフコンディションにおいて確実な釣果を約束する最終兵器ワームです。
#01 Greenpumpkin

#08 Watermelon Seed

#09 Greenpumpkin Blue

#27 Rainbow Smoke

#34 Cinnamon Blue

#36 Blue Shrimp

#44 Chartreuse

#48 Clear Wakasagi

#103 Dark Red

#109 Ebimiso

#139 Motoroil Gold

#01 Greenpumpkin 4580448471786
Color JAN
#08 Watermelon Seed 4580448471809
#09 Greenpumpkin Blue 4580448471816
#27 Rainbow Smoke 4580448474633
#34 Cinnamon Blue 4580448471830
#36 Blue Shrimp 4580448485097
#44 Chartreuse 4580448474459
#48 Clear Wakasagi 4580448486254
#103 Dark Red 4580448471861
#109 Ebimiso 4580448485103
#139 Motoroil Gold 4580448474466
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